miércoles, 21 de septiembre de 2011


Foundation and Inca time
With the help of archaeological and anthropological data it has been studied the process of the occupation of the Cusco. The consensuses were that, by the collapse of the kingdom of Tiahuanaco the migration of its town took place. This group of near 500 men would have settled down gradually in the valley of the Huatanay River, process that would culminate with the foundation of the Cusco. The approximate date is not known but thanks to vestiges it remembers that the location where the city is located already found lived 3000 years ago. Nevertheless, considering its location as capital of the Empire Inca (half-full of century XIII) Cusco appears like the inhabited city older of all America.
Old chronicles as those of the cronist Pedro Sarmiento of Gamboa. He affirms the existence of ethnic groups in the valley of Cusco before the sprouting of the Empire Inca. This author mentions to the Guallas, the Sahuasiray and the Antasayas like the oldest settlers.
Cusco was the capital and soothes of government of the Kingdom of the Incas and it continued it being at the beginning the imperial time, becoming the most important city of the andes and South America. This centralism gave height him and it became the main cultural center and the religious cult.
The salary is attributed to Pachacútec governor made of the Cusco a spiritual and political center. Pachacútec arrived at the power in 1438, and he and their son Túpac Yupanqui dedicated five decades to the organization and conciliation of the different tribal groups under their dominion. Also many people think that the original design of the city is work of Pachacútec. The plane of the old Cusco has form of puma delineated.

Spanish foundation and virreinal time
After to capture the Atahualpa Inca in Cajamarca, they start its march towards the Cusco. The 23 of March of 1534, Francisco Pizarro founded to the city of Cusco. He granted to the city the denomination to him of Cusco, Noble and Big City.
In 1536 Manco Inca he started his confrontations and he created the dynasty of the Incas of Vilcabamba. This dynasty found its aim in 1572 when the last Inca Túpac Amaru I was defeated, captured and beheaded.
The city became an important commercial and cultural center of central the Andes because it was in the routes between Lima and Buenos Aires. Nevertheless, the virreinal administration preferred the location of Lima mainly (founded on 1535) and the proximity of this one with the natural harbor than it would be the Pebble.
Cusco was taken like head of the virreinal administration in the south of the country, being in its beginnings the location of more importance to the detriment of the cities recently.
The urban development was interrupted by several earthquakes that in more than an occasion destroyed the city. In 1650 a violent earthquake destroyed almost all the colonial buildings.
In 1780 the city of the Cusco was convulsed by the movement initiated by the cacique Jose Gabriel Condorcanqui, Túpac Amaru II that rose against the Spanish administration. Its rise was choked after several months of fight in which it put in check to the bet virreinales authorities in the Cusco. Túpac Amaru was overcome, taken executed prisoner and next to all their family in the Place from Arms of Cusco. This movement expanded quickly by all the Andes and marked the beginning of the South American emancipatory process.
In 1814 another rise against the virreinal administration it took place in Cusco. Brigadier Mateo Pumacahua initiated the Rebellion of Cuzco along with the brothers Angle to obtain the independence of Peru. This rise also was choked.

Republican time
Peru declared its independence in 1821 and the city of Cuzco maintained its importance within the administrative political organization of the country. Indeed, the department of Cuzco was created. The most important city of the south this Andean. As of century XX, the city initiated an urban development in a greater rate than the experimented one until that moment. In 1911, it left from the city the expedition of Hiram Bingham took that it to explore the Incas ruins of Machu Picchu.

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